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Tuesday, June 19

Exfoliation Challenged

Ask me anything about exfoliation and I can probably tell you.
The time had come to make use of my facial gift card. (Didn't I get it for Christmas?)
I now know the what, where and why of exfoliation.
The esthetician firmly declared I was severely under exfoliated! I kept trying to get her back to the issue of my Sun Damaged skin, but she continued to endorse the benefits of a good exfoliation.
I felt like a test subject as she proceeded to try out her techniques on my face.
First a soft lather with a buffer brush. (Apparently, if you have a power toothbrush you can use one of them. (Perhaps with a softer brush?)
Next up, a mixture with spherical beads, vigorously swathed across my forehead and chin. She declared - "you shouldn't get these in your eyes."
Then a fruit enzyme peel of Papain and Bromelain. She said, Years ago pineapple workers noticed their fingerprints were disappearing - apparently from enzymes in the pineapple. Geez

I never did get her to talk about sunscreens.
But I'm still able to smile and my face is glowing.
PS. The face, neck, and shoulder massages with Oil of Rosewood were heavenly. (Thanks FS)
Image credit Merck Manual online
