Recovery Run
"The physiological processes that restore the body to its pre-exercise condition after exercise. Recovery includes replenishment of muscle glycogen and phosphagen (the energy stores in the muscles); removal of lactic acid and other metabolites (the waste products of muscle activity); reoxygenation of myoglobin (the special respiratory pigment which provides muscles with an extra source of oxygen); and replacement of protein (needed to repair muscles damaged during exercise)." - Oxford University Press
We all know and love the recovery run. (You’ve earn it!) There are no demands on the body – the mind will just let it be. The reward for successfully carrying you over the finish line...
- The realization I need a new training program.
- Counting my blessings - not minutes or miles.
- Feeling the exact location were the hamstrings connect.
- Running so slow it seems juvenile.
- Smelling the lilacs.
- The promise – to not care what others think.
Image morgueFile