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Wednesday, February 18

Pear Blossom Run

All the arrangements are made - dog in kennel, Hotel reserved, new Nikes, for the 10 mile Pear Blossom run!
It takes place in April; just 3 short weeks before the Eugene Half-marathon event. Crazy? Noway – it has actually revved up my current training. They posted last years results and there were only about 30 in my old age category. That is incentive to finish in the top 10. (There were a total of 989 runners last year.)
The 10 mile is a new race distance for me. But I can easily incorporate it into one of my training runs. Perfect!
I’m looking forward to the travel also – Medford is about 25 miles north of the California border. So I expect sunny skies!!!

Race Logo:


Anyone else entered in a new race this year?