Ways to Avoid the Rain
This time of the year, I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to avoid running in the rain. If you live in the Northwest, you know what I’m talking about.
I get cold and miserable! I have to keep wiping off my glasses so I can see the path. My long ponytail ends up looking like a rat’s nest.
- Keep an eye on the radar screens at Weather.com or AccuWeather.com. Wait for those large clusters of dark green or yellow to pass.
- Overdress in rain gear. Every time I do this – it stops raining.
- Lather on the sunscreen. (Reverse psychology...)
- Run at the gym. (My very last option.)
- Click your heels three times and repeat, “It never rains when you run.”
- Cancel your run.
- Wager a bet with your runner partner – bet that the rain will stop.
- Don’t run in the Winter or Spring.
- Run with a Rihanna umbrella.
- Move to Tempe Arizona
Eugene, Oregon Rainfall:
