Notable This Week
Active Stretching
I am a keen supporter of stretching. I ALWAYS make time to stretch after running. So I found this video captivating.
Running Stretches with One Mile Runner
He incorporates eccentric and concentric moves using body weight as resistance. (Wish I had a private trainer...)
Theses moves felt so good - especially the plantar stretch!Masters Need Easy Runs
I pay attention to all Masters running chatter. (Yeah, I'm old.)
Over the years I’ve seen a lot of changes. This podcast from Running Times interviews Pete Magill. A 48 yr old runner who can do a 10k: in 31:27.30 !
He emphasizes the need (for us older runners) to listen to our body. On his easy day runs, he just runs - no set pace or distance. He found his body responding to these “rest days.” Conclusion - even with these slow comfortable runs he was able to maintain his fast race times.
His training philosophy:
- "Put away your watch; stop counting miles and start listening to the body. Our bodies will tell us more accurately how fast and far to run than a watch or training log ever can. And our bodies will warn us when we're courting disaster - injury or overtraining - long before our minds are willing to accept the premise. More importantly, when we learn to listen to our bodies, we learn how to race."

Tried out a new cereal – Kashi 7 Grain Nuggets. I just add a quarter cup to my usual base - Oatmeal, Cheerios or Shredded Wheat.
This is a substantial breakfast when you include raisins or my latest fad – DATES.
Half a cup of this cereal has 7 grams of protein!
Masters T-shirt