4 Week Training Recap
I had a few ups and downs but mainly a positive month. Just started reading Brendan Brazier's new book – Thrive Fitness.
And it has really magnified my training by shifting the focus onto the bigger picture.
“Spending time and energy wisely is vital for continual improvement.” – Brendan Brazier[I will be doing a review on this informative book soon.]
- I only managed 7 Core workouts. But even these few made a difference on my overall running speed.
- Ran a total of 71 miles.
- Timed my 1 mile half-marathon pace at 8:52 Which will get me in under 2 hrs – One of my maintenance goals.
- Cross training done exclusively on the Elliptical as the weather has been dreadfully wet.
- New runners. ( Nikes again???)
- Doing a trail run race end of Feb.
- Buy a handheld water bottle to carry a high calories sport drink. I find eating while running incompatible.
- Check out Cloud #9 Chocolate gel – Only 2 ingredients – Cocoa and Agave!