Half Marathon Rundown
In the jargon of the sport, I hit the wall. I was cruising along – keeping an eye on my pace. The 10 mile marker was the last I remember…
After that I ran the best I could. Coming in 2 minutes slower than last year. (Hey, the course had changed - more hills. (excuse #12)
I did however accomplish my backup goal which was coming in under 2 hours.
The Wild, the Weird and the Wonderful
- men running topless.
- empty ketchup packages. Cheap carb fix?
- so many spectators along the way – high fives and cheers!
- some guy running with his massage stick.
- a cap with little holders specifically for Clif Shot Bloks.
- the scent of well used port-o-potties at the 9 mile stretch.
- a runner, post race, dry heaving on the curbside. O, that was me – how embarrassing.
- a belt buckle medal! (Not really - just took the neck strap off.)

Favorite start line shout: "You’re almost finished."
Favorite shirt logo: “I never trained for this race.”
AV time for the Eugene half-marathon was Average Time: 2:23:51
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