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Saturday, June 6

Intervals and Hurricanes

I’ve eased off on the interval training after my big race in May. But still sneaking in a few sets so my legs will remember what its like to run fast.
Speed work is a totally different beast than running.

See this month’s Runner’s World magazine for an excellent primer on trackwork.

I love graphs. [No, that’s not me running up the side of a Volcano.]

Storm Occurrences over 100 years

Hurricane season is upon us. The National Hurricane Center is predicating a near-normal Atlantic hurricane this year. Thankfully.
I don’t live in the Atlantic area but saddened when I see damage done by such storms.

Upcoming Hurricane Names
[ What no Kara…]

Juneathone Day 6 Running 4.3 miles
What is a Juneathon?
