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Monday, October 26

Monster Mash - Race Report

I primed myself for this race - a full-fledged Fun Run. (Even leaving the Garmin and MP3 player at home.) But apparently, other runners prepared for a very serious run! (Typical for most races in Eugene, Oregon...) If you can’t run at least a 6 minute mile you will be part of the finishing stragglers.
There was even a speedy Masters runner (female) from Russia - Tatyana Pozdnyakova with a 6:20 pace.
Oh well..I dressed up as “The highway” with a serious message on my butt.
Runner Kara's ass

There were a lot of devils and some pirates –
but my favorites were the ZOMBIES :0
Zombie girl

5k dog race started after us.
They called her Princess.

A butterfly???

Favorite Shirt Quote:
"I drink blood."

Race Chatter:
Do you see anyone you know?

Post Race Snacks:
Tootsie rolls, bagel chunks, apples and bananas. They were also handing out chocolate milk – but I don’t drink milk anymore.

Goody Bag:
And yet – another water bottle, Hersey kisses, Nike socks, and an Apple!

My time was a tad slower than usually. And I was extremely tired afterwards, but it was a good tired.
