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Thursday, November 19

A Range of Goals

I like how some runners are now posting goals for their upcoming race.
No longer is one goal proclaimed, but two or three. (As we all know race completion expectations are not so black and white.) I like this plan - no more finish before a blank blank time pressure.

clip art Goals

Runbulldog numbers his outcomes with #1 as the most achievable goal.
“Goal #1 — finish the marathon with a smile on my face and a happy left foot.”
And then they get harder…

Runner26 begins with a summation “My biggest goal is to remain uninjured.”
She then starts with her most ambitious goal and ends with this; "I'll take it…I trained decently, ran for fun, and had a blast!”

Runnerkara has a 10k race this Saturday. Her typical goal is to beat her last time – despite lack of training or wellness...


"The best pace is a suicide pace, and today is a good day to die." - Steve Prefontaine

"What Was I Thinkin"