"Mise en place"
“Everything in its place.”
Pronounced "meez on plas"
It is a chef’s term meaning everything from ingredients to preparation tools should be decided on before you start cooking.
I use this approach in preparing for a run. It is especially important nowadays!
We run with so many gadgets…Nothing worse than getting halfway down the street and discovering you've forgotten your earbuds and gloves. And... your Garmin battery is at %10.
So I attempt to keep everything in its own place along with their accessories - auxiliary items such as chargers and plug-in cables.
Mp3 player, Garmin, chargers, plug-in cables are stored right beside my computer. That way I can quickly upload a podcast or add to a playlist at a whim.
[When I return I can easily upload my miles to my system as it recharges and I stretch!]
I don’t plan the night before as the weather is so flippant around here. But one of the first sites I visit when I get up is Accuweather to view the temperature and scan the local Doppler for rain. Then I decide what to wear.
I do keep long sleeve, short sleeve running tops separated.
Running caps hang together on my weight rack. I can grab one before I head to the bathroom. The last stop before putting the runners on.
The Sunscreens are applied, lips, hands and face.
Almost ready…
Gloves and runners live side-by-side in the garage. Nearby is a handy step stool to sit on.
Ready set - Go!
Are all runners this organized?