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Tuesday, June 30

Juneathon Wrap-Up

Wrapping up the 30 day Juneathon challenge.

"The challenge is to run or exercise every day
for a month and blog about it!”

To put this in perspective...
Percent of Americans who do 30 minutes of exercise:

  • 27% workout 5 or more times per week.
  • 24% 3-5 times per week.
  • 49% less than 3 times a week.
Source: Gallup

I had more problems with posting everyday than I did with the exercise component. (I generally workout 5x a week.) But composing a blog post everyday – noway!
I have to admit I did combine a couple of days just because I didn't want to be at the computer. Hey it’s summertime!

Grand Totals:
Ran: 70 miles
Walked: 4.2 miles
Biked: 40 miles
Pushups: 368 of them. (Holy Crap!)
Plus a few elliptical and kettlebell workouts.

Juneathon Day 30 Last Day
Powerwalk 2 miles - Witnessed 1 tree killed
3x20 Lunges
Pushups 10,12,7,7,9
